Eco-leather line cutlery bag

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Eco-leather cutlery bag printed with customizable graphics

Functional and practical design to block the cutlery and also insert the napkin

Optimal dimensions to accommodate cutlery and napkin in a safe and elegant way

Made with high quality faux leather to ensure strength and durability

Customizable graphics to match the theme and image of your restaurant

Recommended quantity to purchase: Double the place settings to ensure an adequate supply

Technical specifications:

Material: High quality faux leather

Dimensions: Optimal for blocking cutlery and inserting napkins

Graphics: Customizable to fit the theme and image of your restaurant

Recommended quantity: Purchase double the number of place settings for an adequate supply

Suggested use:

Restaurants: Perfect for presenting cutlery and napkins in an elegant and functional way at the tables

Events and catering: Ideal for providing a complete set of cutlery in a practical and tidy format

Customization: The ability to customize the graphics of the cutlery bag allows you to match it to the theme and image of your restaurant, improving the overall customer experience.

Note: Dimensions and specifications may vary depending on the specific model of the printed faux leather cutlery bag. The recommended quantity may vary based on the specific needs of your restaurant.

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