Return or Refund Policy

Non-personalized items

Customers resident in the European Union have fourteen days to cancel and return purchases made online, according to the law. If the return occurs within this period you have the right to obtain a full refund. You can do this for any reason even if you've just changed your mind.

The 14 day "cooling off period" obviously does not apply to tailor-made or personalized goods.

The “cooling off period” expires 14 days after delivery of the product.

If you are not satisfied with your products you can send them back within 14 days of receiving them. Please note that for products to be suitable for return they must be in perfect condition and returned in their original packaging.

You must inform us of your decision to cancel the purchase via email, regular mail or certified email, it is not enough to simply return the product. The notification must be sent in writing and within the established deadline.

Please note that the return costs will be your responsibility unless the shipment was made by mistake or in the case of a defective or damaged product.

Instaura srl ​​unipersonale/ is obliged to cover the shipping costs originally paid by the customer, any other type of additional cost will be at your expense.

Please contact the sales department to receive the withdrawal form. In this way the Company will be able to identify the products as returns and your money will be refunded more quickly.

As soon as we receive the order cancellation notice, we will refund you the price of the product and the standard shipping costs that correspond to the cheapest shipping we offer. We will not be able to refund special shipping costs such as express, priority or courier services.

If you receive a damaged product you must notify us as soon as possible. From the third day we will no longer be responsible for the products in question as they may have been damaged following delivery and arrival. In the event of products delivered damaged you must notify us of this in writing as soon as possible, i.e. within 3 days of delivery.

This does not affect your legal rights as a consumer.

Personalized or tailor-made items

The return of these items is accepted only if the products in question are damaged or defective. In this case you must notify us within 3 days of receiving the products by sending us communication necessarily in writing via ordinary mail, email or certified email. Once the notification has been received, the sales department will organize the recovery of the products. From the third day we are no longer responsible for any damage to the goods as they may have been damaged following delivery and are not attributable to us.

This does not affect your legal rights as a consumer.