Wine bottle neck label ring
Neck label ring made of high quality printed eco-leather
Elegant and refined design to embellish and personalize wine bottles
Specially designed for major wine cellars
Possibility to print custom graphics, logo or wine information
Size compatible with most wine bottles
Easy to apply and remove without damaging the original label
Adds a touch of class and prestige to the presentation of wine bottles
Technical specifications:
Material: High quality printed eco-leather
Size: Compatible with most wine bottles
Customization: Possibility to print personalized graphics, logo or information about the wine
Ease of use: Easy to apply and remove without damaging the original label
Suggested use:
Significant wine cellars: Ideal for embellishing and personalizing high-quality wine bottles
Restaurants and wine bars: Perfect for elegantly presenting bottles of wine from prestigious wineries
Events and tastings: Excellent for creating an atmosphere of refinement and promoting important wine cellars
Exclusive customization: The possibility of printing personalized graphics allows you to adapt the label ring to your image and your winery brand.
Note: Size and specifications may vary depending on the specific model of the Printed Faux Leather Neck Label Ring for Wine Bottle. Customization of graphics, logo or wine information will be done based on your specific preferences and requests.
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